
Denise Woodward

Denise Woodward

We are sad to announce the death of Denise Woodward, Consultant Solicitor, on 22nd April 2023.

Denise was a valued member of our Family Law Team and a hugely popular member of staff. Denise will be sorely missed by all her work colleagues and the legal fraternity in Chester and beyond.

Darlene Storrar, Managing Partner, says:

"Denise was an excellent Family Law Solicitor and a highly valued member of our team. Denise was dedicated to her work and her many clients and we will miss her enormously. Denise was always cheerful and engaging. Our thoughts are with her large supportive family at this very sad time."


Divorce, Separation & Family: Arbitration

Is Arbitration right for you?

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Family arbitration was developed to enable couples going through family breakdown to resolve financial disputes more quickly, confidentially and in a more flexible and less formal setting than a courtroom.

It is not always possible to reach a decision with your partner in relation to financial and property issues following the breakdown of your relationship. Rather than issue proceedings in Court you could choose to use family arbitration. You and your partner appoint an arbitrator to make decisions on your behalf, the decision made by the arbitrator will be final and binding between you.

Some of the benefits of Arbitration:

  • Speed – the hearing can take place whenever both parties and the arbitrator are available, without waiting for a court date.
  • Flexibility – the location of the meeting can be at a place agreed by you and your partner rather than in a Court.
  • Confidentiality all documentation and the outcome is confidential which can be benefitial  for people who may be of interest to the media.

It is a very flexible process, you can ask the arbitrator to deal with all of the financial issues or you can limit the issues that need to be resolved. The same arbitrator will deal with your matter from start to finish and you and your partner have a major input into how that matter is to be dealt with, what information is required and when and where the hearings take place.

This flexibility means that arbitration is often much quicker than the traditional court process and makes it more cost-effective.

Within the highly experienced Family Law Team at Storrar Cowdry, Janet Baines is qualified to conduct arbitrations involving financial claims on the breakdown of a relationship and issues concerning the arrangements for children.

Janet has over 30 years’ experience as a matrimonial law specialist and would be happy to speak with you if you and your partner are considering arbitration.

Our Dedicated and Knowledgeable Solicitors

If you wish to discuss your situation further with an expert solicitor please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Make An Enquiry

Janet Baines

Solicitor and Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to be married to opt for Arbitration?

No, not all at.  Married couples, as well as those who are co-habiting, have separated, or who have civil partnerships may all benefit from Arbitration.

What matters can the Arbitrator help with?

The Arbitrator can help with all financial matters such as property, pensions and maintenance following divorce/relationship breakdown, financial provision for children as well as other arrangements for children such as where they will live and with whom.


How long will the Arbitration process take?

This really does depend on the couple involved and how many matters they need the Arbitrator to help them resolve.  In most cases, however, Arbitration takes less time than if the matter proceeded to Court.

How much will Arbitration cost?

Again, this very much depends on the couple and how many matters they need the Arbitrator to help them with.  At Storrar Cowdry, we are very transparent about our fees and will be able to provide an estimate of the fees involved once we know a little more about your individual circumstances.