Storrar Cowdry offer a high quality Will Making and LPA Drafting Service
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Considering your own death or coping with the death of a close family member or beloved friend is not one of life’s most pleasant duties.
Often, however, the law does not allow for what you might expect and sometimes it can result in outcomes that were never intended in life.
It doesn’t have to be like that. At Storrar Cowdry we have expert, discreet and sensitive solicitors and paralegals who will guide you through this potentially legal minefield safely leaving you secure in the knowledge that your wishes will become actions after your death.
Similar to making a Will, Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) are an essential part of your future planning. Whilst your Will commences when you die, these valuable documents allow you to delegate the control of your decisions, during your lifetime, should you become physically or mentally unable to manage.
An LPA Property & Financial Affairs allows the delegation of your financial matters. Your nominated Attorneys can access your money to use for your benefit, although they are not authorised to make gifts on your behalf.
An LPA Health & Welfare authorises the Attorneys to make decisions about your health needs, including the care you need and receive, for example on discharge from hospital. They will only be making these decisions should you no longer be able to express your wishes.