Acquisition &

Denise Woodward

Denise Woodward

We are sad to announce the death of Denise Woodward, Consultant Solicitor, on 22nd April 2023.

Denise was a valued member of our Family Law Team and a hugely popular member of staff. Denise will be sorely missed by all her work colleagues and the legal fraternity in Chester and beyond.

Darlene Storrar, Managing Partner, says:

"Denise was an excellent Family Law Solicitor and a highly valued member of our team. Denise was dedicated to her work and her many clients and we will miss her enormously. Denise was always cheerful and engaging. Our thoughts are with her large supportive family at this very sad time."


Commercial Property: Acquisition & Development

Whether you are an individual, business, developer or investor our experienced property team provide a comprehensive range of property services and have a wealth of experience in dealing with commercial property transactions.

Find A Solicitor

Residential and Commercial Estate Development

The development of residential or commercial estates is a huge undertaking for any developer.

Our team are experienced in identifying problems at the outset which will save time and money when units are available to sell.

Our services include acting from the outset with promotion agreements and site acquisition to the sale of each plot making the process as hassle free as possible to let you focus on the on site work. Our team have recently acted for developers across Liverpool, Cheshire and North Wales.

Development and Construction

Our team have a wealth of experience in acting for both parties in residential and commercial development including acting for major retailers and landowners. We work with you to understand your priorities and provide you with knowledgeable legal advice to match.

We can act from the outset or provide specific advice for both landowners and developers in negotiating to completing a range of construction documents including:

  • Planning Conditional contracts
  • Promotion agreements
  • Option agreements
  • Overage agreements
  • Planning agreements
  • Joint Venture agreements
  • Syndicate agreements


We understand that your farm is your home as well as your business. In increasingly uncertain times for agriculture we can provide cost effective advise and expertise in a wide range of services including:
We understand that your farm is your home as well as your business. In increasingly uncertain times for agriculture we can provide cost effective advise and expertise in a wide range of services including:

- Farm sales and purchases;
- Farm tenancies;
- Diversification of farms;
- Farming supply agreements;
- Licences;
- Land development agreements;
- Partnership advice

Sales and Purchases

Our team has a wealth of experience in acting for buyers, sellers and lenders of commercial property. We highlight any keys issues to protect your investment and provide practical and commercial solutions to complete your transaction successfully and within your timescales.

We act in all types of commercial property including:

  • Office blocks
  • Shops
  • Industrial Units
  • Agricultural property
  • Investment property
  • Auctions
  • Pension funded purchases
  • Sale and Lease back arrangements

Property Finance

Raising finance over property can be key to the growth of your business, our experienced team can act quickly in protecting your interests whether you are raising finance or are looking to lend and invest in property.

We cover all manner of finance arrangements including:

- Charges
- Loan agreements
- Development finance

Our Dedicated and Knowledgeable Solicitors

If you wish to discuss your situation further with an expert solicitor please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Make An Enquiry

Gary Bell

Senior Solicitor

Emma Pierce-Kemp

Solicitor, Director and Head of Property

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need searches/surveys?

Property searches (such as an environmental search, local authority search, water and drainage search and coal search) provide crucial information about the property itself and the local area. Many contracts for sale will expect a prudent buyer to have made all reasonable enquiries and this will include property searches. A survey will indicate any structural problems with the property and whether expenditure will be necessary. Both searches and surveys help to protect your investment. If you are purchasing with the assistance of a lender then searches are usually compulsory.If you are purchasing land for plot development searches and surveys are crucial, we would also encourage on site and desktop searches.

CIL – what is it?

Community Infrastructure Levy is charged by local authorities on new developments in order to raise funds for local facilities, infrastructure etc. CIL liabilities are usually payable by landowners however if CIL liabilities have not been discharged prior to sale subsequent owners may become responsible for CIL payments.