Denise Woodward

Denise Woodward

We are sad to announce the death of Denise Woodward, Consultant Solicitor, on 22nd April 2023.

Denise was a valued member of our Family Law Team and a hugely popular member of staff. Denise will be sorely missed by all her work colleagues and the legal fraternity in Chester and beyond.

Darlene Storrar, Managing Partner, says:

"Denise was an excellent Family Law Solicitor and a highly valued member of our team. Denise was dedicated to her work and her many clients and we will miss her enormously. Denise was always cheerful and engaging. Our thoughts are with her large supportive family at this very sad time."


Coronavirus Response

17 March, 2020

In view of the current Coronavirus pandemic, Storrar Cowdry would like to assure all of our clients that we are open for business as usual and that we have taken precautionary measures to ensure that cases and transactions progress without interruption.

Although we anticipate that in the coming weeks some of our staff may be required to self isolate due to Coronavirus, we have invested significantly in hardware and remote working infrastructure to allow all members of staff to work in a more flexible way.

Please note, the remote working infrastructure includes all the usual security measures and there will be no compromises to our client’s privacy or data protection.

We are committed to ensuring that we remain a supportive and flexible work place for our staff whilst ensuring that our clients continue to receive excellent service at this time and throughout.

If you would like to discuss an ongoing or a new matter with us, call us on 01244 400 567 or send an email to

Up to date information for the public from the Government about Coronavirus can be found here.



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