Denise Woodward

Denise Woodward

We are sad to announce the death of Denise Woodward, Consultant Solicitor, on 22nd April 2023.

Denise was a valued member of our Family Law Team and a hugely popular member of staff. Denise will be sorely missed by all her work colleagues and the legal fraternity in Chester and beyond.

Darlene Storrar, Managing Partner, says:

"Denise was an excellent Family Law Solicitor and a highly valued member of our team. Denise was dedicated to her work and her many clients and we will miss her enormously. Denise was always cheerful and engaging. Our thoughts are with her large supportive family at this very sad time."


Section 21 Procedure

24 March, 2023

If you are a landlord it is likely that you’ll seek to evict your tenants at some point whether this is due to rent arrears, selling the property or wishing to use the property as your own home.

Section 21 notices are preferable as there is no requirement for the tenant to be in breach of the tenancy agreement, nor a specific reason provided for seeking possession of the property. However, if the tenants have not left after the two months are up, court proceedings will be required in order to re-gain possession.

For the notice to be valid and possession ordered by the court, it is important that the required documentation is provided to the tenant. If you have not complied with the requirements, it is likely that the notice will be invalid and you will be refused possession of the property, meaning that you have to start the entire process again.

For assistance in obtaining possession using the Section 21 procedure, please contact Holly at

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