Storrar Cowdry Solicitors’ Award for Fine Art at University of Chester
6 July, 2020

Laurin Murdoch, is this year’s recipient of the Storrar Cowdry Solicitors’ Award for Fine Art. Managing Partner of Storrar Cowdry Mrs Darlene Storrar said “We are delighted to be awarding this prize particularly this year, as it has been difficult for all the students working remotely on their fine art pieces. We are disappointed we cannot award Laurin’s prize in person, however we hope to meet her in the future”.
Dr Jeremy Turner Deputy Head of Art & Design and Programme Leader/Senior Lecturer Fine Art University of Chester said “Within Fine Art Lauryn has always embraced the notion of experimentation. As a result, she has developed a unique visual language that in her third year has seen her utilising video and projection in an inventive and playful manner. Lauryn Murdoch has been a student on the English Literature and Fine Art programme at the University of Chester since 2017, and Fine Art staff would like to congratulate her on the award of the Storrar Cowdry Solicitors Prize for Fine Art.
Due to the Coronavirus lockdown, Fine Art students have been working remotely since 17th March but in regular contact with staff as they continued to develop art works and prepare for their degree show exhibition. Lauryn, along with the whole third year cohort, has risen to the challenges this presented, embraced the changes imposed and ultimately presented successful work at the end of an unprecedented academic year.
This award, and in a wider sense the online Degree Show exhibition ‘BLOOM’ ( is testament to the hard work of students and staff from the Department of Art & Design, University of Chester.
Lauryn is so pleased to be able to accept this prestigious award. Lauryn said “ My initial thanks for being awarded the Storrar Cowdry Solicitors Prize for Fine Art. I am grateful to my fellow staff and classmates for their support and encouraging work atmosphere.
My final degree piece is a cumulation of the niche I have explored using video projection and outsourced materials.
By awarding me this prize it will allow me to go forward with the skills I have acquired over my degree with confidence
Once again, a final thanks you to the Storrar Cowdry Solicitors Prize and all who I have worked with the past three years”.
Lauryn will be awarded her prize remotely at the online University degree ceremony on the 26th of June 2020.
For Further Information please contact Mrs Darlene Storrar on 01244 400567 or Dr Jeremy Turner on Chester 01244 515780